Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Umm… yeah. Crap. Merry Christmas…? I know, I messed up like wow. So I'm going to let you in on something:

She walked down the stairs, coming to a halt at the bottom. THUD, THUD, THUD. The first word that came to her mind mess, 'intruder'. CREAK. Her heart was beating fast as she opened the kitchen door. Nothing. She opened the living room door. Nothing. The bathroom? Nothing. She climbed back up the stairs. She took a peek at her parents' and brother's rooms. Quiet. Maybe a bit too quiet. She tensed. Footsteps and heavy breathing. She ran into the safety of her room, the adrenaline burning her ears. A pair of hands clasped around her shoulders and another pair around her eyes. She wanted to scream. She wanted to wake up. But it wasn't a nightmare. It was real life and she knew why her family was so quiet. They were dead. And she was alone, in the company of her captors.

This is the prologue of one of my books. I want your opinion on this. What I should change or improve on. I know it seems to casual to just start blogging once again just like that but school is being a bug lately. IT WON'T STOP!