Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Umm… yeah. Crap. Merry Christmas…? I know, I messed up like wow. So I'm going to let you in on something:

She walked down the stairs, coming to a halt at the bottom. THUD, THUD, THUD. The first word that came to her mind mess, 'intruder'. CREAK. Her heart was beating fast as she opened the kitchen door. Nothing. She opened the living room door. Nothing. The bathroom? Nothing. She climbed back up the stairs. She took a peek at her parents' and brother's rooms. Quiet. Maybe a bit too quiet. She tensed. Footsteps and heavy breathing. She ran into the safety of her room, the adrenaline burning her ears. A pair of hands clasped around her shoulders and another pair around her eyes. She wanted to scream. She wanted to wake up. But it wasn't a nightmare. It was real life and she knew why her family was so quiet. They were dead. And she was alone, in the company of her captors.

This is the prologue of one of my books. I want your opinion on this. What I should change or improve on. I know it seems to casual to just start blogging once again just like that but school is being a bug lately. IT WON'T STOP!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Good things about School

Sorry, sorry and sorry. But let's start.

1. Friends.
2.Most of the things you learn will help in the future.
3. The end of the year is awesome.
5.Coming home.
6. Talking to your friend (e-mail) while studying!
7. GOSSIP. Not too much though.
8. That's all I can think of
9. Eurghhhh!
10. Kay byee!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

How to Know if you're a SHOPAHOLIC?

Okay so I'm sorry I didn't upload on Saturday. I didn't have any connection but this Saturday I have something speacial planned to make up for it.

1. Every time you go into a mall you always come back with something.

2. If you see something and you like it, you'll only take one glance at the tag and size. 

3. Your sibling/friend needs new pants and you go into the shop. She didn't find what she needed but you found loads of things.

4. You have to avert your eyes from your favourite shop so you won't be tempted.

5. Doesn't matter what you are buying you always end up with two of something.

So leave your comments on how much out of five you relate to a shopaholic. Until next time, byee!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Living Without the Internet.

UGH!! It is so annoying! Even for one day, I couldn't find anything else to do. It did help me get closer to my cousins:
Alston Barretto: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005269532086&fref=ts
Ansel Barretto: https://www.facebook.com/anselbarretto?fref=ts
Rhian Barretto

    But it's crazy! I know that a lot of people will say something like "What about the people without a computer? What about the people who don't have a home? No food?" But I'm pretty sure you've complained about a lot of things the unfortunate don't have. It's human nature! Since I've connected, at least I'm using for bloggin' time! Woop! Woop!
     But here's a few ideas that'll keep you indoors but away from your computer.

1. Read
2. Eat
3. Sleep
4. Talk to yourself
5. Write an angry letter then throw it out.
6. Sing
7. Dance
8. Walk around
9. T.V.
10. DIY
12. Mentally work out problems of your favourite subject
13. Talk to someone
14. Build a fort and no.3
15. Play an instrument
16. Cry
19. Realize that there is no 17 or 18
20. Smile

And once again my blogging comes to an end. Until next week, *sigh* byee!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Things That Piss Me Off

1. Slow Internet - I don't have to explain this one.

2. The Snooze Button - Say you have something important to be at, okay. But the snooze button will always be there to bribe you into sleeping for longer. Some people say that you should set the alarm for earlier... But then I have to wake up every 5, 8 or 10 minutes to turn the alarm off when instead if the alarm was set to the normal time I could have had one hour of solid sleep.

3. Joke Ruiners\ Thieves - Ruiners first. If you tell a super funny joke and no one is laughing then the joke ain't funny! Then there are the people who don't understand sarcasm. Example:

Rachel: So I would love if someone kicked in the face.
Someone who understands sarcasm: *laughs*
Someone who doesn't understand sarcasm: What!? Really! OMG. I would hate it if someone hit me in the face.

Than there are the people that are just plain stupid and be like "Whaaat?" The joke thieves. Now, it's fine if someone says "Erika said..." but if they don't give ME credit for the joke I said then I am pissed. The same thing goes with ideas.

4. When people say "no offense" to cover their mean comment. Because when you say 'no offense' you're just pointing out that your comment was offensive. Not even just that! It don't matter if you say it or not, the thing is still offensive!

5.Stupid Sayings - even though you know what the saying means, if you look closely you will see that the saying itself makes no sense! e.g. head over heels, spill the beans, against the clock, knock on wood, it's a piece of cake (and it tastes good!), shoot the breeze, beating around the bush, the apple of the eye, can't have a cake and eat it too, pushing the envelope, a bone to pick to with you, don't throw out the baby with the bath water, raining cats and dogs, slept like a baby (wake up every one hour?).

6. Going into a room only to forget why I was there - It's simple

And that is it. Until next time, byee!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

My Current Favourites

1. T.V. Shows - The Simpsons and No Ordinary Family.
2. Make up - Bourjois Healthy Balance powder and Bourjois Colour Boost lipstick in 03.
3. Books - New Moon, Eragon and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
4. Youtubers - velvetgh0st, the merrelltwins and Zoella.
5. Activities - Watching T.V. ,painting, Youtube and reading.
6. Drink - Lemon water and Freeze.
7. Food - Orange Chicken.
8. Sweet food - Brownies with Ice-cream.
9. Accessories - HATS!
10. Scent - Mint.

And those are some of my favourites! Until next time, byee!

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Hey! So I just wanted to try and figure out how the galaxy camera worked with bloggig and the layout. Obviously I will upload on Saturday.
My living room:

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tips for Painting

Firstly, oopth. I know I was supposed to post yesterday and it is my first week but I forgot.

Okay so tip one is to blend, blend, blend! Infact I tried to blend green with pink and it turned out quite great. Now, what happens when you don't blend:

Painting done by my mom while she (huh surprisingly *wink wink*) was on Facebook.

Brushes don't matter too much. But they have a big role to play. You may not believe this but I've painted over eight paintings with only two brushes:

You see that gradient ish?!

Technique matters only on what material you are painting on. I paint a lot on paper that ends up being "framed". So it doesn't matter too much to me either. Canvas: M3H
Plain Paper: Quite important.

*no picture to be inserted*

Colour and Settup.
Colour is fine as long as it is easy to blend and the consistency is fine. My settup/essentials are: 
And my frames.

And that is all for this weeks post. I am sorry this couldn't be longer but if I continued it would be the next day . Soooooooo, byeeeeee? I guess. :(

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Best Meal Ever

This was traditionally supposed to be a cook off with my brother, Shawn. But it ended up with me making lunch.

I am so proud of myself because if you read a post I did a while ago called Expectations vs. Reality, you will know that some of the meals I make turn out crap. But this one turned out dee-licious. Now it's time for le recipe:
6pcs chicken breast

For marinade:
2tbsp honey mustard
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1tsp salt
1tbsp olive oil

For sauce:
2tbsp butter
2tbsp flour
1 cup milk

Mix marinade until smooth and apply to tenderized chicken. Leave for 30 mins.
Grill for 20 mins on each side. 

Set heat to low setting and mix butter and flour until smooth. Gradually add milk  while mixing until smooth. 

Display in any fashion and your done. You can even add a side dish!

Okay, so now I want you to compare the photo displayed below to mine (above).

Which one wins?

That's all folks! Byeee!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Things People Should Stop Doing

First, turning without a turn signal. I think my mom would agree with me on this. Because if your turning without a turn signal, we ain't gonna slow down our car and we are gonna end up in your bum.

Second, (keep in mind this one is based on things that have never happened to me) when people yell:
'Hey, you lookin' fine as hell!' or Girl! 'Can I gettyo number?'
Firstly, has that ever worked? 'Cause if it has then I'm gonna be so surprised. Second, no one is going to think Wow. Such wonderful words. That is truly romantic, I must give them my number.

Third, people need to stop stopping at yellow lights. Yellow means slow down and a warning saying "C'mon you're nearly there. If you are a spacebar ahead of that line during a yellow light, if you cross over, trust me, just trust me, you will make it.

People need to stop saying "or naw". Because I could be dying, screaming for medicine but you say,
Are you sure you need it OR NAW?
And the next thing you know, I'm dead.

STOP LITTERING! I know I sound like complete mom right now, but seriously, stop littering! I'm sick of seeing shit on the side of the street. So get out of your car walk to the trash can or bin and drop it in there.
Every time you see someone littering sing this to their face:

Litter bug litter bug shame on you
All those terrible things you do
Littering our countryside far and wide
Why don't you stop and have some pride

You can thank me later. And lastly... people need to stop believing everything they read on the Internet! You might see a badly photo-shopped picture on Instagram of Miley Cyrus marrying Justin Bieber. The most of you will not believe it but there may be some people out there with no brains that will believe it! You never know...

And that is it for this week's post, might I say this may be one of the longest post ever and when I go to view this on my blog it's gonna be so short. This took me At least 59 mins if not an hour. Okay Byee!


1. Eat. It's the best I tells ya!
2. Spice up your room with a DIY or re-organize your room.
3.Catch up with your favourite youtubers.
4. Build a fort.
5.Address a card to yourself.
6. Prank call someone.
7. Sing or dance.
8. Put on a fashion show (I know it sounds cheesy but it might help for the next time you go out.
9.Watch The Simpsons.
10. Read my blog!! #shamelesspromo

And that is all! Bye!!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

You need to know...

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/12540295/?claim=39drfe5ndkj">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
Follow me on BlogLovin'

I'm sorry I haven't been blogging in a while but i promise later this day I will do a post. I had planned out everything and took all the pictures but never got around to doing it. Also I want to change my blog a bit and blog about what you want! Aaaaand I will post weekly on Saturdays. except for today of course. So leave you requests for next weeks Saturday post.

Bye! (for now).

Monday, June 16, 2014

My Summer To Do List:

Disclaimer: If you don't like reading long things this isn't for you.

1.  Build a sandcastle.

2. Watch an awesome movie.

3. Write a book (this time, a full one).

4. Play a board game or two with the family.

5. Work out at the garden.

6. Build a big ol' fort out of blankets.

7. Plant a plant.

8. Give someone (a.k.a my mom. I guess I ruined that surprise) a nice spa treatment and a makeover.

9. Get my brother to stop annoying me (now that's a challenge!).

10. Bake a cake BY MYSELF. Period.

11. Come up with 50+ jokes.

12. Eat an exotic, new food.

13. Try to rock one of the latest trends.

14. Give up T.V and social medias up for a week (thanks for the idea Mom!).

15. Go for a nice swim.

16. Challenge my brother to a food-making contest.

17. Race my mom in a bike race. 

18. Roller-blade my way through Marina Mall.

19. Make a ghetto piece of furniture.

20. Finish the first Twilight book.

21. Paint an amazing masterpiece.

22. Make a playlist of songs to listen to during the summer.

23. Make a bouquet of paper flowers to give to a friend.

24. Shop...?

25. Design a piece of clothing, make it and style it.

26. Stargazing with my dad. 

27. Make a collage of pictures of moi with ma copains.

28. Make dinner for the family without burning anything.

29. Make something out of clay for the fun of it.

30. Try to persuade my dad to read a book.

31. Sleep

32. Make some hella amazing things to organise/maximise my room.

33. Give my mom something that she'll actually use.

34. Make some awesomesauce desserts.

35. Try to play LOL (League of Legends).

36. Persuade my friend to give up Frozen.

37. Invite some friends to have a cool party.

38.  Re-inact a scene from Harry Potter.

39. Give my dad a huge hug...

40. Eat a Hot Pocket.

41. Get outside more.

42. Play Twister with coloured shaving cream.

43. Watch T.V upside-down.

44. Prank call someone.

45. Get a scented candle.

46. Draw a picture, but instead of colouring, stick materials on.

47. Eat a Taco Bell burrito (not taco) without getting diarrhea. 

48. Grab my Harry Potter merchandise and have a movie marathon.

49. Do kettlebell with my dad (holds for my brother's laugh).

50. Have fun!

⭐️. Start a YouTube channel.

And that's all my fifty things to do this summer that I'm going to re-write in my to-do book. But that's all folks.

P.S. This took a day to write.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Expectations vs. Reality

1. Summer
Expectation: Camping in some hella cool place or awesome fun at the beach.
Reality: Stuck at home watching IISuperwomanII.

2. Godzilla (the second movie)
Expectation: Awesomesauce effects, scary blasts and a proper evil Godzilla
Reality: Some shit piled on a plate like tutti (poop).

3.Surprise Parties
Expectation: Hiding behind the couch, celebrant comes in all surprised.
Reality: Someone will ask a stupid question that'll give it away or whisper real loud.

4. Home-made Dinners
Expectation: Well-cooked meat, a side of boiled veggies that taste good and a type o' sauce.
Reality: Dried up meat, raw, hard veggies and a failure of a sauce.

5. Waking up in za morning
Expectation: Early morning, ready for a productive day.
Reality: Wake up at 2:00pm wondering if your alarm went off when really it tried to wake you up about 10 times.

And that's all for today. I'll see ya tomorrow. I also confirmed with my mom that we will be doing the DIY once a week, first on my blog and then on my mom's and so on. Bye!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Internet Slang

I am sick of internet slang! It just comes to show how lazy people are! My family, friends and relatives all use slang and I just don't get it. One point may be because I like writing stories that have proper grammar and punctuation. But to shorten words just because you're lazy is hella annoying. And acronyms?! That's even lazier! Sure lazy people may have invented things like the car 'cause they were too lazy to walk, but inventing things are a lot different to shortening words. Now I might get a lot of hate for this but I needed to speak my mind. So if you could relate to anything in this rant, leave it in the comments. Well, that's what you'll get from me today.

Also my mom and I might start a daily routine of posting things we make. From food goods to organizing items we'll be there. I might also make a summer to-do list.

Beauty Blog?

I may have not blogged in a while... but I have created a new blog! It's a beauty blog. I have told you in the past about one or two beauty-related post and I want to make an entire blog about it. Here's the link:

Monday, May 26, 2014


I just really liked this selfie so I'm a whore.

Also I think I need tacos. Bye!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

My First Times

My First Word: TAKE!?
I First Laughed on: Jan, 24, 2004 (on my brother's birthday).
My First Pet: A fish.
I first walked on: November, 30, 2004

Okay, this is getting boring. I just thought this would be a good way for y'all to know more about me but it seems it hasn't worked.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Velcro Makeup Display

Super easy makeup display made out of one side of a cereal box, velcro and imagination. 

It's hangable!!!!


Spa treatment can cost a lot of money but with a few simple steps, you can be fresh and refreshed (I don't know the difference between the two).
1. Apply face wash- Use a cleansing face wash for glowy skin.
2. Use toothpaste- apply toothpaste to blemishes, pores, blackheads and pimples.
3. Spray water to the back of your neck for utter freshness.
4. Change into something that is cooling and act like a runway model.
5. I will shut up now or will I...
Yeah so I think that is my first beauty related post but it not be... Okay I'm already sick of elipsis.
Bye y'all *over exaggerated wave*. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Update No. 2...?

Of to go to the Avenues! What y'all thinkin' 'bout ma hairstyle? Normally I'll wear a ponytail with my bangs clipped back but I thought I'd try something different.

Monday, May 12, 2014

SURPRISE?! (not really)

*sits down and gets comfy* Okay, so I thought I just give you an update. Dad, if you're reading, I miss you. Right, today went pretty well. I made another *orgi. The house also looks surprisingly clean. But really what I wanted to tell you is that I am writing a book called... I don't really know. I am hoping I can post it on an app called Wattpad. You can read it there, although I barely started so it's gonna take awhile to get uploaded and then there's editing to do... and if you do read it when it comes up, make sure to vote! I hope you 'enjoyed' reading this post, until next time, bye!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

So, I wanted to make something that took under an hour to make and this is what I came up with:

The last few pics were the contents of the shoebox. I am chuffed with that (chuffed means proud). I hope this might have given you ideas though it may be late but like I said, under an hour!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Brother Eats Wire

Well, he doesn't really eat wire, he chews it which is still bad. Right now he is chewing it! Every single time it's in Shawn's mouth, I feel like yanking it out because it might shock him. But it seems I'll have to just cope with it. Anyways, I just needed something to blog about and this was the first thing that came to mind. Maybe, just maybe, I might post a how to hairstyle! Maybe.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

DIY bookshelf

Hey y'all! So today's DIY: *drumroll please*.... Bookshelf! I made it out of a cereal box. The top two books (the makeup how to book and Barney's Great Adventure) are booksafes. I keep the bookshelf on my nightstand so whenever I want to read myself to sleep, I can just grab a book of this DIY shelf. So just take a cereal box, cut out a big side and stick your books in!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Okay, so my first encounter with arrogance, (that my parents told me about) was when I was 1 or 2 years old, in a play area, happily playing around, having a good time. Until I wanted to give my family a little hello. A boy behind me wanted to go past to play on something else. Now I had a pretty weird hairstyle that had a little pomp-puff-thing. So the boy pulled on my pomp-puff-thing! I cried and cried and cried. Well that's it I guess. I'm writing this on my mum's computer so I can't do joke of the day. 

Friday, May 2, 2014


Damn, can parties be long! It's currently 1:47am so yeah. But here are my parts to a party. There are 5 parts to a party: 

1.The Guests Entry- pretty self-explanatory, The Guests entry is when the guests enter the party. It's not rocket science

2. The Games- this is where the games and party activities come in. Four corners, pass the parcel, etc.

3. The Dancing- plainly, everybody's dancing and having a good time.
4. Eating- simply, everyone's around a table eating and joking.

5. Goodbyes- the party's over and the guests say goodbye to the celebrant(s).

Update No. 1

I'm of to go to a party! Talk to you later!

Priscilla Makes

Good afternoon! 
     So I have been reading a blog called Priscilla Makes... Oh, what the heck! Priscilla Makes is my mum's blog and I really think you should check it out. 
      She may not have a lot of posts because she started today and because she doesn't have much time to blog, she may only post once a month with bonus posts. Her blog: www.priscillamakes.blogspot.com
        I just wanted to boost her amount of followers 'cause she's my mum and I feel it right. 
        OK. Byyyyeeee!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

I've Got It!

I finally managed to change the name of the blog! It's All About Erika at www.allabouterikabarretto.blogspot.com. Please check it out.

Excuse me, I need help

Okay, so I have decided that, on this post, ask me any questions you'd like if you need help. I may not be an expert,  but I think I'm koalified (moment of silence for reference to a past 'joke of the day')

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Yikes! I haven't blogged in a while but I have three DIYs to show! Is everyone 
excited? Probs not. Anyways here they are and the joke of the day as well:

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014


So this is my new still-not-finished laptop bag that's made out of an old pair of shorts. I'm quite proud of it, especially the little touch related to blogging. I hope it encourages me to blog more often and about things that matter.

My 'Proper' Intro

Okay... I may not have introduced myself properly. Hello! My name is Erika Barretto and I like reading, DIYs, and Little Mix. My aim is to get organized. So there's my  'proper' intro.


What do you think of me starting a YouTube channel? Honest opinions pls.


NOOO! School is beginning on Sunday!
Why?! I wish Spring Break would be longer. But it means that we get to learn things (some of which will never help us in life). Why do we have to suffer school? People ask that question including me and because of that I can't answer it. Joke of the day above.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


For some of you, this is no surprise. I love hairstyles! I absolutely love playing with my hair and trying to come up with random things to do with it (my hair). It's frustrating to come up with them but you love it the same! I will try to post how-tos on hairstyles. But let's go back to hairstyles. They make you look prettier...?

I tried.

Refreshing this blog

Hi! I have been having trouble with changing this blog's name so from now on this blog is just about getting to know me and some things and accomplishments I have done. Don't worry! I'm not going to stop posting my projects although I'm a little ahead of time so sorry if I'm posting a lot (which I'm not b/c I'm lazy). So thank you for your time. Above is the joke of the day!